Client Portal Upload Instructions

Portal Upload Instructions

Personal Upload Instructions

Important - Print or Copy This Instruction Page for Reference
  1. Click on ‘my documents’ along left side
  2. Create a word or notepad/text document with any special instructions for the folder — example; ’2020 personal tax documents’ or ‘additional info’
  3. Remember to tell us who the file is intended for (If a Fulcrum Croup employee is aware of what you are sending, please make note of whom the documents should go to)
  4. You are now ready to upload documents
  5. Click on the folder of the year you want to upload documents to
  6. Click on blue + “Upload” button
  7. Click on ’Select Files’ or ’Drag and Drop’ files into area selected
  8. Add ALL documents required, include instruction document, if created
  9. Click on green “Upload Files” button
  10. Fulcrum Group will receive an automatic email notification that you have uploaded
  11. If uploading multiple persons’ documents, create subfolders for each person by going into the folder of the year you would like to upload documents to, then:
    1. Add folder
    2. Name folder
    3. lf you need to edit folder name — click on the pencil to the far right, make the changes and press enter
  12. Repeat Numbers 6 —10 if uploading information for multiple people

Corporate Upload Instructions

Important - Print or Copy This Instruction Page for Reference
  1. Choose Company portal, not personal (unless only personal portal was set up)
  2. Click on my documents along left side
  3. Click on ‘Use this folder for send files to Fulcrum’
  4. Create a word or text document with any special instructions to add to the folder that includes;
    1. Year End documents
    2. Version of Sage or Quickbooks
    3. User and password for the bookkeeping file
    4. Any notes or questions you have
  5. You are now ready to upload documents
  6. Click on + Upload
  7. Click on ‘Select Files’ or ‘Drag and Drop’ files into area selected
  8. Add all documents required, include instruction document if created
  9. Click on ‘Upload Files’
  10. Fulcrum Group will receive an automatic email notification you have uploaded

Bookkeeper Upload Instructions

Important - Print or Copy This Instruction Page for Reference
  1. Create a folder in portal with client name
    1. Add folder
    2. Name folder
    3. If you need to edit folder name – click on the pencil to the far right, make the changes and press enter
  2. Create a word or text document with any special instructions to add to the folder that includes;
    1. Year End documents
    2. Version of Sage or Quickbooks
    3. User and password for the bookkeeping file
    4. Any notes or questions you have
  3. You are now ready to upload documents
  4. Click on + Upload
  5. Click on ‘Select Files’ or ‘Drag and Drop’ files into area selected
  6. Add all documents required, include instruction document if created
  7. Click on ‘Upload Files’
  8. Fulcrum Group will receive an automatic email notification you have uploaded